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Lan Yang
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Gestures of everyday living through the strokes of the past.
A project devoted to the process,
process of living.
The process that we uncoil, protect, act, share and message.
They are five words,
But they are more than just words.
Every word a story told.
In the process of that,
We uncoil to continue.
We learn to protect.
We act for oneself.
We share with one another.
We record to remember.
In the process of that,
Each stroke a story told.
We savour the moments,
We appreciate the details.
Stories unravel ——
A sip of tea,
the warmth in our hands we feel.
As we pour and let it steep,
a moment to pause, to reflect and heal.
Stitch by stitch,
to weave a shield.
Wash and rinse,
as we care for what we wield.
To tend the forgotten bodies,
to mend the missing souls.
the strokes that ease the strain,
They heal the wounds and soothe the pain.
Plates and spoons,
tongs to share.
Food unites us,
moments we cherish and care.
Engraved on paper,
imprinted through ink.
The thoughts unfolded,
the stories unravel and join.
In the gift of every moment,
every breath,
every action,
every word,
we uncoil, protect, act, share, and believe.
The scattered strokes,
The missing segments,
The forgotten stories,